Friday, October 10, 2008

finally a friday off!

So, this is my first time having a Friday off for the past two months or more? Time to celebrate with the girlssss, GNO part 2, mofos.

There are a few things to mention in this post:

1.) I feel a lot of people think I've disappeared, but that's not true! I've been working on the days that things go on and the most recent party I went to, I realized how I am getting too old for them. I kills me to say this because I use to enjoy parties and clubs a lot but honestly, there's a time to grow up and just settle with little get togethers with your friends.


I Love LA Toki doki watch.

3.) I went to the mall this week since monaay came in, one of my favorite things that I got was :

In grey, I love it =]

4.) Tammy just showed me something on American Apparel and I started looking again at that site (I had ordered things before but when they came in the mail, it did not look liek what I thought):

tis all for now..
"me me, its all about me, if a girl got a boy then she talk about me. He say, she say, it's all about me"

Thursday, October 2, 2008


School and grades are kicking me in the butt, I'm going to use it as motivation to do better on my next tests. It is only the first tests afterall.

If I wasn't doing what I'm doing, my dream jobs would be:
1.) Anthony Bourdain's job
2.) Interior Designer
3.) Florist