Here's the day in pictures:

Christmas morning...I heard the usual coming from our living room - Disney Parade on Tv/Vietnamese karaoke.

My family isn't very traditional and we eat dim sum on holidays.
As for the gifts...

once again, im not usually a coach fan but this wristlet was something I wanted as soon as I saw it. for the title of this blog:
I was looking through my mom's closet of shoes today and I found two pairs of shoes that I actually really like! I've never considered wearing my mom's things and such, but I think shoes will be an exception and possibly a few bags that she owns. Here are the shoes that I might be borrowing sometime soon =p

yees..I wore the black ones today :D

But overall, you shouldn't be doubting anything from your mom anymore when you get to a certain age because as much as we all hate it or try to avoid it, all women have taken on their mother's characteristics. I know I have and it worries me..
I can't wait till Disney Tuesday and New Years eve with my OJ !